White Paper: How Do Shippers Plan to Navigate Current Air Cargo Conditions?

Companies across sectors have struggled to find efficient, predictable and affordable transportation options over the past year. This is especially true for companies with a global footprint, as they often find themselves moving goods between continents. Many global shippers rely heavily on air cargo to move goods quickly. Recently, however, these companies have felt the pinch of rate fluctuations, leading to increased difficulty managing costs. During the same time frame, a lot of these companies also experienced a decreased level of airfreight schedule reliability and longer than expected transit times.

Maersk teamed up with FreightWaves to better understand how shippers are navigating the current air cargo environment. The duo surveyed representatives of a wide range of companies about their experience over the past year, as well as their expectations about the future.

Results made it clear that shippers have felt the impact of recent market conditions, including rate fluctuations. Complete the form below to read the report with more insights.

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The post White Paper: How Do Shippers Plan to Navigate Current Air Cargo Conditions? appeared first on FreightWaves.

Source: freightwaves - White Paper: How Do Shippers Plan to Navigate Current Air Cargo Conditions?
Editor: FreightWaves Staff
