White Paper: How to Get the Most Value Out of Class 8 EV Trucks Today

If you’re in the midst of operationalizing your first few Class 8 EV trucks, you’re likely already beginning to think about how the EV use case will scale. How do you get EVs to contribute to more of your business needs by covering more routes?

The short answer: You may be able to get more use out of your existing trucks, even with the charging network available today, thereby enabling those trucks to do more business in a day.  

This white paper will cover the various use cases available to fleets today, including:

  • Quick top off charging
  • Slip seating
  • Additional creative combinations

Complete the form below to download your complimentary copy.

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The post White Paper: How to Get the Most Value Out of Class 8 EV Trucks Today appeared first on FreightWaves.

Source: freightwaves - White Paper: How to Get the Most Value Out of Class 8 EV Trucks Today
Editor: Sponsor
