White Paper: Carriers Weigh In on State of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity concerns are becoming increasingly common as cyberattacks and ransomware breaches make headlines throughout the logistics industry. Over half of carriers recently surveyed have either been directly impacted by a security issue or seen their peers impacted.

In this new white paper, Trimble and FreightWaves address the state of cybersecurity, overall perception of threats in the industry, and how carriers are managing security in their own fleets.

Insights Include:

  • Risks associated with breaches and ransomware attacks
  • Cloud-based TMS Options
  • Key insights from a carrier survey

Don’t leave your business vulnerable to cyber-attacks and downtime. Get your copy of the full white paper today!

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The post White Paper: Carriers Weigh In on State of Cybersecurity appeared first on FreightWaves.

Source: freightwaves - White Paper: Carriers Weigh In on State of Cybersecurity
Editor: FreightWaves Staff
